Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 18: Five J&K students of Chandigarh based Aryans College of Engineering have developed a unique GPS and GSM based Safety Helmet, which provides timely first aid facility in case disaster happens at construction/ mining/ industrial sites.
Christened as “Aryans Safety Helmet,” the project was today launched by Governor Punjab & Haryana, Kaptan Singh Solanki in Raj Bhavan, Haryana. Dr Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group presided over the event.
Mr Solanki, while launching the helmet, appreciated the initiative of Aryans students and said that the helmet will really help to locate the victim at a much faster speed.
Gurdeep Singh, HoD, Civil Department, Aryans Group, informed that this unique helmet consists of three main parts; GPS system, GSM module and Antenna. Firstly GPS system will receive signals from satellite through an antenna attached to it. The information retrieved from these signals is fed to GSM module. GSM module has a sim card slot which will transfer this information to the system. He added that use of particular web link enables us to locate the position of that system on a google map.
Imtiyaz Ahmad Shah, students’ group leader said that approximately 1000 lives are lost per year while working at their jobs and one out of every five of them is at construction sites. “Most of these deaths occur due to non-availability of first aid in time. So this helmet will help us to find the persons under debris and to provide help as early as possible,” he added.
Hanan Bashir another student who hails from Srinagar said that this helmet will help us to locate persons under debris or scrap in case of an accident.
Dr Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group said that with the fast change in technology, students are coming up with fresh and innovative ideas. Earlier to this also Aryans students have done many wonderful innovations like “Aryans Android App”, “Save Kashmir Android App”, “Life saving Glove” to name a few.