J&K first rank

Kindly refer to news item ” LS Speaker awards J&K first rank in IMR reduction” published in DE July 7, 2017.It is a pride moment for the Health and Medical Education Department which has made tremendous achievements by implementing various centrally sponsored schemes in health department. Thus the state of J&K was awarded for securing 1st rank for maximum reduction in Infant Mortality Rate(IMR) in one year as per the latest SRS at National Summit on “Good Replicable Practices and Innovations in Public Health care system” in India which was held at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The award has been conferred to the state by Speaker Lok Sabha. It may not be out of place to mention here that Union Ministry of Health& Family Welfare had identified 500 State specific best practices across the country with regard to implementation of various interventions taken up under National Health Mission. Only 50 out of these 500 best practices were selected for the award. Medical Officers, Para Medical Staff and others working in PHCs CHCs etc including the senior officers who were responsible for monitoring of all these centrally sponsored health schemes in the state really deserve appreciation for this achievement. Despite the fact that  most of the Medical Officers and Para Medical Staff and ASHA workers  are employed on contractual basis and are not paid equal pay and allowances as are being paid to their counterpart regular employees of the Medical Department.
Now time has come that all those contractual employees including Medical Officers and Para Medical Staff engaged in erstwhile NRHM now NHM may be considered for their permanent absorption in the Health and Medical Education Department of the state so that they may work with sincerity and more dedication to retain first rank in IMR reduction of the J&K State. Since all these are centrally sponsored schemes as such there should not be any problem of funds constraints for the regularization of these employees who have rendered more than 7 years continuous satisfactory service in the department.
Yours etc…….
New Plots, Jammu