Who does not know that there is power shortage in our State? Many important industrial units are starved for want of power. The wheels of country’s economy move with power of which there is acute shortage; At the same time our population is increasing at a fast pace: there is large scale migration from rural to urban areas: there are many new gadgets that work with power and people are impatient to have these gadgets to make life easier and faster. All this bring great pressure on power supply and distribution. Bari Brahmana Industrial Association has come out with its anger against the PDD officials alleging that their long standing request for ameliorating power supply position and connections to new Industrial Units has fallen on flat ears. This tends to deprive the industry of providing uninterrupted livelihood to thousands of families. After all crores of rupees have been invested in various industries and the return is withheld owing to absence of power.
PDD should stop adopting inflexible and rather unsympathetic attitude towards small entrepreneurs. It is paradoxical that on one hand the Government wants to encourage self employment and growth of industry but on the other hand it deprives genuine persons of facilities that are promised by the Government. We appeal PDD to redress the grievance of the industrialists of Bari Brahmana who have been forced by the Government’s to raise their voice loudly and pronouncedly so as to reach the higher circles of power.
Our State is not in a strong economic position and essentially it depends on the Union Government for funds under one head or the other. Power shortage is chronic in the State. But this does not mean that the PDD will take shelter behind shortage of power and let industry starve for the same. Serious and extraordinary economic problems cannot be solved by shying away from these. In contemporary times issues need to be highlighted, remedied looked for and forward movement ensured.