No leniency towards pro-terror, non-performing staff
After action, many dissociate from militancy
Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Nov 27: Showing no leniency towards the Government officers/officials linked to terror and non-performers, the Intelligence agencies and civil administration have reportedly zeroed-in on at least 47 such officials whose activities are suspect while performance of others is “under-rated” and they are likely to be shown the door by the Government with gathering of enough evidence against them.
Details available with the Excelsior indicated that the Intelligence agencies who are working on identification of Government officers/officials, connected to militancy or facilitating terror, directly or indirectly, have shortlisted 28 more such staffers, who have doubtful record.
Nineteen officers/officials are under the radar of civil administration in “non-performing category” but not linked to terror and their record is also being pursued for taking action against them under the law.
“Action in both the categories—pro-terror employees and under-performers–is likely to be taken shortly after entire evidence is compiled and scrutinized by the legal officers so that it withstands the judicial scrutiny,” sources said.
They added that majority of the officials under scanner for pro-terror activities hailed from the Kashmir Valley while couple of them also belonged to the Jammu region.
“The Intelligence agencies have thoroughly gone through the record of the Government officials including the reports against them pertaining to their direct or indirect involvement in facilitating terror activities. Only after senior officers are satisfied with the reports that they will give the nod for termination of the employees from services,” the sources said.
Asserting that the cases of non-performers are different from pro-terror employees, sources said these are two different categories but in both of them, the officers/officials against whom evidence is gathered will be dismissed from the services.
“The Government has taken a decision that there will be no leniency with the officers/officials who are either linked to militancy and those who are not performing to the satisfaction that they will be axed from the services,” sources said, adding it was in this context that further action has been initiated against the officials in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
It may be mentioned here that the present regime has started acting tough against the officers/officials linked to terror and has already dismissed a number of such officials in both divisions of Jammu and Kashmir including some in the Gazetted rank and Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Services (JKAS).
“This was for the first time under present dispensation that the Government acted tough against the employees who were encouraging the militancy in the Union Territory especially in the Valley and some districts of the Jammu region. Previous regimes had either refused to take action despite adverse reports submitted by the Intelligence agencies or just gave warning to them and didn’t take any major action in most of the cases,” the sources pointed out.
Even majority of the Government officers terminated from the Government services during Mufti Mohammad Sayeed regime labelling them as “deadwood” came back to services adopting legal course.
Asserting that action against Government staffers founding encouraging the militancy or facilitating their activities was necessary to break backbone of the militancy, sources said it has send loud and clear message to the officials and there were reports available with the Intelligence and other Government agencies that the employees, who were earlier linked to terror, have dissociated themselves from the anti-national activities.
“The Government policy of taking harsh action against pro-terror employees by terminating them from the services has worked well. It has given the desired results. However, there are still some black sheep against whom the Government is acting by collecting evidence through the Intelligence agencies,” sources said.