Indiscipline among politicians

Discipline and obedience are two important pillars of good governance and progress in an Organization. The politicians enjoying the important portfolios in our State of Jammu & Kashmir are not concerned to improve the socio economic status of the common masses but are concerned with their own selfish interests.Every Government department has its own recruitment rules and seniority of officers/ officials and accordingly they enjoy status in their Organizations depending upon their seniority,qualification and performance although no one is answerable under Public Service Guarantee Act. Some of the Ministers are not only disturbing the cadres in the departments under their Ministeries but are also providing interference in the smooth functioning of other departments thereby encouraging poor performers and corrupt officers but are also sheilding them against investigations. Such officers are most indisciplined, disobedient and non performers. They just get up early in the morning and knock at the doors of politicians and bureaucrats, clean the flower pots and provide newspapers and cup of tea . They donot even hesitate in telling the self coined stories against the hard working officers. Such Ministers and bureaucrats in turn never ask them about their performance or quiz about their working  concerned departments. Such officers are responsible for Indiscipline/disobedience and poor performances in the departments they are working.But politicians and some bureaucrats are sheilding them by posting them on key posts ignoring service rules, seniority and  qualification. The seniormost, qualified and hard working officers are facing enqueries/disrespect in the hands of such politicians/ bureaucrats.
It is not understood as to how  Chief Minister and the Head of the Administration is tolerating such indiscipline created by some Ministers & Bureaucrats? If such menace is not controlled, the disease may infest all departments of the state.
Yours etc…
K K Sharma
Sec D Sainik Colony, Jammu


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