Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, July 3: Former Minister and MLA Inderwal G M Saroori has expressed his deep concern over the mess in the electricity distribution system in entire Chenab region.
While lambasting the State Government, Mr Saroori said that the authorities have totally failed in ensuring round the clock supply of electricity to the consumers during the holy month of Ramzan which is very unfortunate. He alleged that dozens of villages of far-flung areas are without electricity supply from more than fortnight which has added to the miseries of poor people.
He said that the transformers in Chingam, Bamu Bhalessa, Kansoo, Teesa Sankoot, Kahara, Samal Waas, Chhatroo, Naikpura, Chatroo, Karool, Sarthal and Jakyas areas of Inderwal constituency are defunct for the last many days, as concerned department has taken no such step in order to repair and replace the defunct transformers thereby compelling thousands of inhabitants of these areas to live in dark.
Saroori asked if the department has spent an amount of Rs 250 crores on buffer stocking of transformers then why hilly and backward areas were kept at the lurch and no such transformers were made available in this belt. Transformers from the workshops are being carried to the respective villages by the villagers themselves at their own expenses, which exposes the tall claims of Government.
The MLA urged the State Government to ensure early start of work under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana” (RGGVY) Phase- II which would ensure electrification of left-out habitations. Power Development Department is at the helm of affairs and has failed in starting of work under RGGVY which has led to defunct electricity distribution system in Chenab region.
Saroori also alleged that people were facing problems due to insufficient supply of ration, fire wood and kerosene oil in some areas of Chhatroo. He impressed upon the Assistant Director CAPD Kishtwar and TSOs to personally monitor the ration supply to far-flung and remote areas so that the poor people living in the Inderwal Assembly segment get hassle free supply of ration.