It seems unbelievable that many officers, both IAS and IPS cadre in Jammu and Kashmir, are found not complying with the mandatory requirement of filing annual returns on their immovable properties. They continue to do so even after Jammu and Kashmir becoming a Union Territory which means the guidelines in respect of filing of such returns and in the event of non complying with such compulsory requirement what penalties including facing disciplinary actions could take place against them initiated by Department of Personnel and Trainings (DOPT) Government of India. It is also stipulated that the defaulting officers could face their empanelment and promotions adversely affected if they did not file such returns in time and did not opt for five years mandatory central deputation after completion of 10 years service.
The fact of the matter is that these officers are required to exhibit such a conduct of respecting and complying with the procedures and rules that they become role model for their juniors. If they turn out to be wilfully negligent towards such elementary requirements to give details of their immovable properties , how could it be ascertained whether any such properties were erected by means not mala-fides as regular returns provide an opportunity to make comparative analysis. More accountability and more transparency must not only be respected but ensured to be made a working culture.