
Wednesday 03-2015

Aries : You need to be very cautious today, says Ganesha. The results of a lot of hard work over a long time may be undone by one impulsive decision. After a stressful morning, you could just wish to spend time with children, playing their childish games.

Taurus : This day your mind is likely to be blissfully drawn towards your personal friends and family members. Your warm and intimate relationships will stay uppermost in your mind and fill the day, not leaving room for anything else. Hanging out together with them will give you immense pleasure and contentment. You are not likely to spare any thought for responsibilities and duties. You’ll simply love to see your near and dear ones in high and happy spirits.

Gemini : Your sensitive and emotional nature will prove to be a problem for you. Hence you need to control your emotions. Tread carefully when it comes to personal relationships. You need to wait for a better time before you think of proposing to that special someone, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You will be in a joyous mood. You will be de-lighted in whatever task you do. Financial matters will confound you, with even a petty issue causing tension. Ganesha says it will be a colourful day, with happy tidings.

Leo : Your entire day will be spent at work. Those working in large corporations will have to fulfill heightened expectations from their superiors. Housewives will need to tackle other work, apart from their daily chores. It is an important day for you, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will stay away from partnership ventures. Ganesha says you have the ability to control large-scale projects on your own. You have leadership qualities, and will be able to coordinate team work and direct your colleagues to get the required amount of work from them.

Libra : Ganesha says beware of overspending today. Those of you having close ties abroad may find them beneficial. Ganesha says you should always remain optimistic.

Scorpio : Keep your eyes and ears open and believe in only what you see. Remember, believing in rumours may lead to ugly situations. Your efforts to be different and stand out would pay off well, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : The day begins on a bright note and you decide to flaunt your sunny side up, foresees Ganesha. At home front, sharing of work with your partner will keep the home atmosphere peaceful and harmonious. Both of you discover a joy is cleaning and cooking together. A perfect recipe for love!

Capricorn : You will be a live wire, today. With amazing exuberance you have completed mammoth tasks and have spread the energy around. It will give you tremendous job-satisfaction, foresees Ganesha. Everything seems well and good the personal front, too. Spending some quality time your spouse will relax your mind and keep you in an upbeat mood.

Aquarius : Be it about solving financial issues or concerns about income, money matters will keep your mind occupied through out the day. You will have a gala time with your friends later on the day, predicts Ganesha. Not that you don’t value your friends, but today, you will realise how important you are for one another.

Pisces : You will bump into an old friend or a distant relative today. This rendezvous may be with a person who you were close to long ago and it will warm your heart with nostalgia. You might contemplate taking a break from your daily grind to spend sometime to rekindle your childhood memories or visit your hometown. Don’t let the nostalgia overwhelm you as it may make you ignore the tasks at hand and cost you heavily, suggests Ganesha.