
Thursday July 11-2019

Aries : A new acquaintance will make you feel happy today. You must remember that things don’t have to be expressed explicitly; a word or a song from deep within can make a bigger impact. Ganesha says today is the right time to do something which will be more rewarding in the long-term.

Taurus : Chaos will reign supreme as unexpected things occur and expected ones are missed out on, says Ganesha. Luck will favour you and nothing is powerful enough to hamper you other than you own thoughts. You will dodge any trouble that is headed your way and escape easily, much to the embarrassment of others.

Gemini : You will lend your innovative and imaginative spark to your initiatives, which will be quite a few, says Ganesha. Love will bring you immense satisfaction. And you will develop a special bond with your spouse or beloved. You, however, are likely to be dragged into a conflict and will be forced to pick a side.

Cancer : Today, you will be trying new things in your style of work. You may come across as mad, but there will be a method in your madness. Your new strategy and innovative ideas will give a new lease of life to the projects you are working on. However, you need to take a break from work in the evening and go home to your loved ones to recharge your batteries, advises Ganesha.

Leo : One way to assure success is by believing in oneself and one’s abilities. Let this confidence and your high spirits take you to newer heights today, says Ganesha. Remain cheerful all day long, and you will see your hardships disappear as you tackle them with consummate skill. But more importantly, Ganesha foresees the day leading you to a fulfilling evening. Enjoy!

Virgo : A medley of good and bad awaits you today. Emotional people will find you immature and inconsistent. But your bag o’ jokes is never empty, and you remain the jester as always. Ganesha advises you to meditate and engage in spiritually rich activities to channel and focus all your talents.

Libra : Ganesha says that today is going to be an unforgettable day for all those people who are in love or a romantic relationship. If you plan to propose to your beloved today is a good opportunity for it as success will come easily to you. You will be able to spend a day filled with joy, happiness and enjoyment. Ganesha showers his blessing on you

Scorpio : Your close friends and loved ones seem to be on the menu today, predicts Ganesha. Romantic brilliance will usher in happiness and favourable business prospects will be the icing on the cake. Your charm will peak and you will enjoy the attention you get out of it. Try your hands at creative things as there is a good chance that you may come home bragging about the results.

Sagittarius : Be ready with you bags packed as you may decide to undertake an impromptu trip today. It could be a business trip or simply travel in pursuit of pleasure. Nostalgia will grip you as you run into an old childhood friend today. Sharpen your public relation skills, which will come in handy when you deal with strangers today, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : Pain and fun, both are the two sides of a coin and today, you will experience both of them in equal amount. You may have to slog yourself to earn money, but be careful and don’t drain yourself out, advises Ganesha. You will get what you have wished for, however, you need not try your luck too much. Spend money for the happiness of others.

Aquarius : Good news may hit home today. Promotion, profit, scholarship, anything you’ve been working for will probably materialise. You are ingenuous, and will crack the toughest of problems with consummate ease. Ganesha sees money lenders and brokers doing well.

Pisces : Your expenses are likely to soar and you will need to draw a line between your needs and your desires if you are to keep them in check. There is a strong possibility that you will undergo a spiritual experience today. You may also pursue meditative techniques for your peace of mind, says Ganesha.