HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 A resolution needs logical conclusion

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
No one can hold it. It has to pass on, then let it pass on smoothly without retaliating much about KAYA KHOYA- KYA PAAYA and just believe in KARMA theory. We should work on with all dedication and devotion without caring much for the outcomings as it’s a natural process and efforts have to yield results. SUCCESS and FAILURE has many reasons that we should analyze before putting in efforts again. The destination may be far away but the efforts if put in with honesty, the results will be encouraging undoubtedly. Here, I will like to quote Martin Luther King Jr., “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
Now, we have tried our level best during the last year in accomplishing our goals and might have tasted the flavour of success and failure. But as Lord Shri Krishana has given the basic mantra of living a content life in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta,” Don’t repent about past which has gone by, don’t worry about future which has still to come but concentrate on present, which matters in real terms.” So it’s time to say Good Bye to 2024 and welcome New Year with all optimism.
Although it needs retrospections, why we failed to achieve desired results in different fields we were hopeful of and were deprived of fortunes with shattered dreams, but it’s also the right time to focus on the year knocking at our door now. It has been a practice across the Globe that New Year is always welcomed with so many resolutions, but it’s a fact that these resolutions, more of emotional nature rather than grounded to reality are seldom fulfilled. Let me share with you an interesting fact that the History of making resolutions is ancient old. The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year resolutions, some 4000 years ago. The trend started and is followed worldwide now. Every year we may find almost everyone making resolutions but how many are committed to make their resolutions a success, unfortunately their numbers are very low. A survey of United States of America says that while celebrating the New Year with all enthusiasm, about 30 percent of Americans make new year’s resolutions but fewer than 10 percent are successful at keeping them, 23 percent of them quit their resolutions by the end of first week, 43 percent quit by the end of January. As per U.S. News and World Report the failure rate of New Year’s resolutions is estimated to be around 80 percent.
In our country and even in our Duggar Pradesh there is no dearth of such activists who believe in making resolutions for the New Year. Yes, we pose to be very emotional in our commitments and our resolutions are very studded with moral values, duties and responsibilities towards our family, society and entire mankind. The most common resolutions are to take care of health and start morning walk, exercise, saving money, leave smoking, wine, non-veg and devoting more time to self and prayers etc. These resolutions are made to derive moments of happiness and joy from stress and strain loaded lives and attain solace after the final exit from this materialistic world. These are all about to live a content life. As our religious scriptures preach, actual happiness is from within and we have to realize it and act accordingly to feel that special FEEL, Helen Keller, an eminent American author also authenticates thus quoting,” Your success and happiness lie in you. Resolve to keep happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties”.
Ironically, soon we realize that it is not so easy to follow the set rules and go on skipping the resolutions one by one on one pretext or the other. In my opinion, the trouble starts when we make bundle of resolutions. If we make limited ones, we may act upon rigorously and religiously for successful execution. Now, as a proud Dogra, I feel that our existence as a community needs a particular resolution be repeated every year, by every Dogra, for our survival by preserving and promoting our mother tongue Dogri and cultural traditions. Our all personal resolutions should have this as a compulsory one, we should prioritize it because of the need of the hour.
We celebrated DOGRI MAANTA DIN recently on December 22 with pump and show. We raised slogans that we should always feel proud of our language, but on realistic ground we feel shy in talking to even a fellow Dogra in Dogri which tells a lot about our diplomatic attitude. I wish to share an incident here. A salesman once visited me and tried to woo me for a product that he was supposed to. But he was feeling uncomfortable while expressing himself. I was talking in Dogri and he was responding in broken English and Hindi languages. When I asked him that why he was trying his level best in using the language he was not comfortable with, he gave me a usual reply that he is under instructions to use either English or Hindi with the customers. I just advised him that marketing is meant to market the product with conviction which is possible in mother tongue only. Moreover when the salesman and customer have common mother tongue, they should interact comfortably in their own tongue. It makes the connection, a must for marketing. I don’t know whether he followed my advice or went on acting on the dictates of his master, but it is in fact an eye opener. The New Year needs most wanted resolution of communicating in mother tongue at least with fellow Dogras.
Yes, the passing by year gives alerts for our shortcomings and the coming year expects that some special effort will be made to realize the resolutions. The New Year resolutions do matter even if maximum of these resolutions get buried soon with the passage of time but as is well said ‘Something is better than Nothing’. If that SOMETHING is in the form of our commitment for our language and cultural traditions, then it will be a perfect welcome to New Year. So let us be positive with all expectations that 2025 will be a memorable one at all fronts especially for consolidating our identity with our mother tongue Dogri and it will be a reality on the ground rather than glorifying it in the written words and lectures delivered in routine. Let we be more concerned for our roots.
Happy New Year-2025.