Govt urged to bring in new law to check fraudulent NRI marriages

NEW DELHI, Sept 14:
Noting that the problem of fraudulent marriages involving NRIs was no more confined to Punjab and Kerala, but had spread to other parts of the country as well, a Parliamentary Committee has urged the Government to enact a comprehensive law to protect the victims.
The Government has also been urged to become party to two international conventions on child safety and support.
Recourse to justice in case of fraudulent NRI marriages is constrained by the fact that these marriages were governed not only by the Indian legal system by the far more complex private international law involving the legal system of the other country.
The committee has suggested that bilateral treatise could be worked out with those countries which have large number of Indians.
A special NRI matrimonial law that deals comprehensively with marriage, divorce, maintenance, child custody and related issues was badly needed.
Moreover, amending current laws and introducing new rules and regulations would help the victims of NRI marriages reclaim their fundamental right to property, equality in marriage, freedom from degrading and inhuman treatment and above all dignity.
The committee has welcomed the Centre’s move to provide for compulsory registration of marriage through amending the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, a bill for which has been introduced in the Rajya Sabha. (PTI)


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