15 injured in Kashmir protests

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar Sept 14: Fifteen protesters were injured across Kashmir valley today during protests over U-tube movie trailer of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ while Government put separatist leaders under house arrest to prevent clashes and had asked the Centre to block the anti-Islamic video.
Protests broke out in Srinagar, Sopore, Baramulla and Kupwara today after the Friday prayers over the anti-Islamic film. Protesters pelted stones at police during which 15 protesters were injured.
Protests broke out in Putshai, Lolab in North Kashmir district of Kupwara, over screening of the 1977 film ”The Message,” based on the life of the Prophet. Army said that the villagers mistook the opening scenes of the film to be the controversial video. Hundreds of local villagers gathered outside the school forcing the Army to leave the village. Later protesters clashed with local police as well during which several people were injured.
A police spokesman said here that today on the demand of students and teachers of Middle School Putshai, 28 RR showed a film “The Message” in the school.
Police said that after the film finished few teachers spread rumors that Army showed some blasphemous material. “Immediately people gathered and blocked the road and started raising slogans against the Army”, police spokesman added.
Police reached the spot and seized the CD on the spot and after checking found that it was “The Message”. “The film is universally accepted to the Muslims, and has been made with utmost reverence to the Prophet”, said the police spokesman.
The Police spokesman said that police pacified the people who dispersed peacefully, but few resorted to stone pelting. Police acted and using mild force and dispersed the pelters, the spokesman added.
The police spokesman said that peaceful protests were held at many places against the blasphemous movie clips in Srinagar and at other places.
Kashmir Bar Association held a peaceful march against the blasphemous movie clips from Sadder Court to Press Enclave today. “Peaceful protests were also held at Sarai Balla, Abi Guzar, Jamia Masjid Anantnag, Shopian town, Jamia Masjid Pulwama, Baramulla Wakoora, Budgam, Beerwah, Charar-i- Sharief and Bandipora”, the spokesman added.
Police said that a few incidents of stone pelting were reported from Maisuma, Nowhatta and old town Baramulla after the Friday prayers. “Exercising maximum restraint, police chased away the pelters. No one was hurt”, the spokesman added.
Meanwhile, State Government has asked the Centre to block the anti-Islam video on social networking sites as it could trigger law and order problem in the State.
Police also placed Hurriyat Conference chairmen Mirwaiz Omar Farooq and Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik and Javed Mir and senior separatist leader Shabir Shah under house arrest as precautionary measures to prevent clashes. Geelani had called for protests across Kashmir after Friday prayers.