A State is run by laws and rules framed by the people through the instrument of their representatives in the State Legislatures or in the Parliament. Framing of new rules and Acts etc. is closely related to the need of the time and Government’s sense of responsibility to meet these needs. Thus laws are enacted and implemented with definite purpose of carrying the nation forward. But then the question arises. If a time comes when the purpose for which the rules were framed are served and no more require the existence of the laws, what should be done with them. More so if these laws become a hindrance in good governance in the context of changed circumstances, it becomes all the more important for the State to ensure that these hindrances are removed. It is with this logic that the Prime Minister has constituted a committee of experts to examine which of the existing laws and rules and Acts are obsolete and can be or should be removed so that action towards that is taken. We believe this is a step in the right direction because for too long a time many rules and regulations have proved more obstructive than impulsive. However we hope that in examining the entire corpus of existing laws and Acts that would be recommended for removal, great care will be taken that such removals do not jeopardize good governance. Any Act or Rule that tends to create confusion and contradiction should be scrapped and the administration should flow without hindrance.