Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 18: Department of Posts today held Postmasters conference at Zorawar Singh Auditorium of Jammu University.
During the conference an interactive session was held with Postmasters of Jammu division with Chief Postmaster General to ascertain the ground level situation. Faculty of the Business School of Jammu University gave discourse on Customer Relation, Commission and Business Verification.
The function was presided over by John Samuel, Chief Postmaster General, J&K. In his inaugural address he stated that post office was a unique infrastructure and it is going all out to built its customer relations. He advised participants that they should interact with customers with positive frame of mind, so that a customer after visiting a post office is fully satisfied from its services. He also informed that in order to bind with the public, Department has launched “I Love My Post Office” campaign. During the campaign, members of civil society will be invited to visit to neighbourhood post office for a bounding which is far reaching and permanent.
Amit Sharma, Director Postal Services addressed gathering on the theme “Post Office Touching the Life”. He emphasized role of Postmasters and their obligations towards society.
Presidential address of John Samuel was followed by an interactive session of participants with panel of faculty members who imparted training to the Postmasters. Prof. Neelu Rohmetra, Director Business School Jammu University, Dr. Anil Gupta and Dr. Komal Nagar imparted the training. Faculty members felt that time was right for department for effecting a change by team work and better customers relation.
Prof. Neelu Rohmetra exhorted the participants to have a vision of post office and a clear direction of its main objectives to be achieved. She also stated that front desk services were interaction points with the general public and they will have to change first.
Minister for Medical Education, Technical Education, Youth Services and Sports R.S Chib presented awards to outstanding postal employees
AK Bhasin, SPM Jammu Cantt, Asha Sharma, SPM Lakhanpur and Chandan Singh, SPM Gangyal were felicitated on the occasion.
Services of Jang Bahadur, Postman Vinaik Bazar, Bahadur Singh, Postman Gandhinagar, Ved Prakash , Postman Jammu Tawi and Harbans Lal, Postman Gandhinagar were recognized for their outstanding services. They were presented mementos.
Employees who had procured business in PLI and RPLI were also awarded. For PLI Daleep Kumar Gumbal. PA Circle Office, Jammu got the first position while Chand Kumar, SDI Akhnoor stood second and VK Mehara, APM Jammu Tawi stood third.