The necessary legislative work had to bedone invariably in time in respect of makingoperational, reservation benefits toEconomically Weaker Section so that those candi-dates who have duly qualified NEET for admis-sion in Medical and Dental colleges in Jammu andKashmir could stand benefitted. The 10 per-centreservation , thus , looks not getting extendedto these candidates as the entire process of get-ting admissions in colleges would be completedby the middle of the next month in accordancewith the guidelines of the Supreme Court. As ondate, therefore, the fate of the concerned candi-dates having cleared entrance test etc appear tobe uncertain in case the State AdministrativeCouncil under the Governor did not act fast.How can the State Board of ProfessionalEntrance Examination which is conducting theactivities of counselling for MBBS and BDSadmissions otherwise consider such candidatesfalling under the EWS category in the absence ofa legal extension of the 10 per cent reservationbeing in place and notified to them . It is, howev-er, noteworthy that Medical Council of India hasalready increased 10 percent seats in theMedical and Dental colleges across the State indi-cating and confirmation reservation but let theGovernment notify rules properly , now , withoutany ado as in case of any delay , the career of theaspirant candidates would stand jeopardised