Fast unto death by Sawhney against JMC enters third day

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 4: The fast unto death by president of Jammu Ex-Sleuths Association Vinod Sawhney today entered third day.
The man ran from pillar to post to get some source of income for his family but the present regime of JMC has dismantled his kiosk without any prior notice, which was sanctioned by the former Commissioner, JMC and endorsed by the then DC Jammu on the directions of Chief Secretary of State.
Sawhney, who had been remained in Pakistani jail for the sake of country, has been again forced to suffer by the hands of State Government and again uprooted.
Despite the administration has shifted him to hospital, he had refused to take any treatment till his demands for proper and permanent rehabilitation has not been conceded.
The leaders of Vishav Hindu Parishad have visited him and assured all support to him, whereas Iqbal Singh Iqbal, general secretary of JK Youth Sharnarthi Action Committee also extended support to him.