This has reference to the news item ‘Doctor-Patient ratio falls drastically in Valley’ DE Mar 11.
The falling doctor-patient ratio is certainly a cause of worry because it is affecting the health delivery system in the State. The frequent doctor-attendant clashes is a result of overcrowding of hospitals.
Most of the time doctors cannot look after a patient, the way he should have been. This is due to their inability to attend a huge number of patients. This State of affairs is one of causes that most people prefer to seek private treatment which comes at a price.
The Health Minister should chalkout a strategy by way of increasing the number of medical seats in the two medical colleges of the State.
Though the Government did some exercise in this manner last time, but that was not sufficient. There should be also check on doctors who after completing their training courses leave the State to serve somewhere else.
It puts a burden on State people because it is on tax payers’ money that they get training. The Government should also open more hospitals in small urban centres to decongest city hospitals.
Yours etc….
Anita Aggarwal