Eradication of corruption

Talking about eradication of corruption itself becomes irritating and disgusting as every one feels that until revolutionary and hard steps are taken, the menace of corruption, as prevails unabated at every channel of the society, will not be eradicated. Corruption, definitely isn’t a requirement but a habit to misuse one’s official position. Time and conditions always govern our behaviour. A man is good only to the extent till he doesn’t get time to become bad. Vague and faulty systems of governance are also not less responsible for such affairs.
How does it appear when even chosen representatives of the masses or high level bureaucrats, neck deep in wealth, get involved in scams and embezzlements. Materialism isn’t entirely bad, but misuse of one’s position violates the law of morality. Exceptions though do  exist where the practice of corruption isn’t practised, but general trend is vartically opposite. Actually, moral turpitude and consequent materialistic way of life has resulted into such undesirable phenamena. Apparently, streamlining of systems and deptts where corruption is abundantly exercised, is of vital necessity. Laws indeed are very useful to curb this practice, but cultivation and inculcation of moral and human values in our youngesters who are to steer the ship of the nation, is of great significance.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)