With the prevailing situation in Kashmir valley reported to be limping back to normalcy , there is a section of patients suffering from renal failures and taking support of dialysis finding it very trying to keep up to their schedule and most of them are missing the crucial sessions. The position in respect of those patients who somehow manage to reach Srinagar from far flung villages and districts but cannot reach the hospital and attend to the appointed schedule is worth causing concern.
Missing the crucial dialysis for the patients could result in irreversible complications for them which hardly need to be elaborated. Even private dialysis centres have expressed the same views about most of their patients not being in a position to avoid missing crucial sessions. Mobility factors have got to be accorded priority in respect of serious, critical and other patients with particular type of complications. Hence proper transport facilities, ambulance facilities etc must be provided to them and their own vehicles or taxis allowed to reach hospitals without causing any delay or hindrance. Administration including police must look at it from humanitarian angle.