Thank God, sense prevailed, and finally Italy has returned the two marines. For once, India stood her ground against Italy and had her way which was right. It acted tough, and the Supreme Court conveyed clearly to the Italian Ambassador, Daniele Mancini, that no one can take the highest court of the country for a ride or granted. So, till such time the two marines were returned, within the stipulated period ( 22 March), the Italian envoy would not leave the country, ruled the Supreme Court. And that did it. Italy could ill afford to break diplomatic ties with India ( fifth largest trading partner) as billions dollars of trade was at stake, and Italy was losing its face in the diplomatic circles. So, the two marines were brought back to the country, accompanied by their Deputy Foreign Minister, Staffan de Mistura, on 22nd March AN. Our foreign minister, Khurshied Ahmad, clarified that no deal was stuck with Italy for the return of the marines. It is a diplomatic victory for India.
What cheers the nation is the firm stand taken by India, for a change, on an issue which affected its national prestige, and the standing of our supreme court. How dare any one can kill our people, and show two fingers to us in our own country. India must carry this strong political will ahead in its relations with Pakistan and other neighbours also, when it comes to national security.
Yours etc….
Colonel R D Singh ( retd)
96/Sec D, Defence Colony
Ambala Cantt (Haryana)