Development in harmony with nature

Puran Chand Sharma
“Remember the only sign of life is motion and growth” (Swami Vivekananda)
From our own rich experience and understanding we aptly observe that Life can never be static, it steadily moves on and on confronting the emerging challenges maintaining the requisite balance with the Almighty Nature. If we deeply meditate and ponder over the mysterious ways of nature we arrive at a conclusion that mother nature is omnipotent and operates harmoniously for the purpose of ultimate well being of all living beings and their peaceful as well as purposeful co-existence. In the ancient era our revered Rishis, ascetics and erudite monks deeply studied nature not only from spiritual point of view but also did a lot of research as to how the variety of human beings and other living species can survive and live happily by virtue of having perfect harmony with merciful and benevolent Nature. After undergoing painstaking penance they experienced and inferred that the whole of universe comprises four distinct kingdoms or worlds.
* Stars, planets, earth, rivers/ springs, mountains and sea are constituents of one kind of the world.
* Another world consists of all kinds of vegetation from tiny blade of grass to the gigantic Peepal Tree.
* Third category of world comprises insects, moths, birds, animals etc. and fourth kind of the world is that of all human beings. The three types of the world mentioned herein above have been so created by God that they are not independent and also not capacitated to violate the discipline of nature in any way. They strictly conduct their lives as per nature and religiously adhere to her principles, do not hurt and harm nature as well. But conversely this fourth world of human beings has been blessed with fully developed intellect together with two distinct specialities i.e they are predominantly independent to think and act as they deem fit. They are also gifted with tremendous will power. Human beings are capable of setting up their divine goal to either become a god on the basis their virtuous actions or degenerate into a fierce demon by indulging into extreme immoral acts. Secondly they have got analytical mind which can make a distinction as to what is wrong and what is right. Therefore, human beings are evenly poised to venture beyond the extremities of nature. This special faculty and unique skill of the modern generation of over ambitious human beings is singularly responsible for the current rapidly emerging varied crises in this world in these crucial times. The other three kingdoms are not really empowered to operate beyond their inherent Nature, hence they are unable to cause any kind of destruction or damage to the bounties of nature in any form. Let us now have a brief deliberation on the much hyped issue of Development.
Modern educated man is exceedingly ambitious and disproportionately inclined to capture the highest state of materialistic bliss. He is in the centre stage of all types of developmental activities all over the world. Development is the hallmark of power of human intellect. There is no issue of discarding it in any sphere of life. We live in a highly competitive world and by and large the majority of human beings have an inherent tendency to compete with their peers. This is inbuilt faculty of man and must be gracefully accepted as such to stave off superfluous pulls and pressures as well as endless negative race for self aggrandizement. No ifs and buts, certainly Development is indispensable. Life slowly and steadily moves on and undergoes so many changes with evolving times. Therefore, life has to keep pace with development. Life derives sustenance from mother nature who has created infinite bounties and unlimited treasures. Mother nature can fulfil all need of one and all but the greed of none. Man in the Kaliyuga has become a serious violator of divine norms. He is morally authorized to take away from the kitty of nature which is adequate enough to satisfy his actual requirement and desist from snatching even an iota to mollify his worldly lust. Mind it please, spiritual commandment emanating from our cultural quotient is ” Prakriti Ka Dohan Na Ke Shochhan” ( Reasonable need based extraction and zero exploitation). In this twilight hour of Kaliyuga, Mechanical Era, modern man is all poised to take a quantum jump to reach the zenith of materialistic development. There is razor sharp as well as unhealthy competition amongst the so called developed and under developed countries. Any country of some worth requires quick development in different vital fields for survival e.g.
* Defence:- We may be very peace loving, noble and true followers of morality but others might be grossly bully and may turn crazy to swallow us for accomplishment of their expansionist designs. We, therefore, need well trained strong Army fully equipped with high class weapons inclusive of nuclear arms. Any kind of casual approach would end up into a major catastrophe.
*Economy:- Robust all- round economic development is equally very important for being reckoned as a developed nation.
* Infrastructure and road connectivity etc:- This segment is also greatly significant in the wide ranged arena of National Development. Any kind of neglect would be fatal for achieving the world level status of development.
The inference drawn is that development being the normal human activity for better and purposeful existence must operate in harmony with nature which is bubbling with soothing magnanimity and is also the perennial source of life energy and the essentials. Therefore, the striking buzz world is Perfect Harmony with nature and no superfluous development jeopardizing natural system and endangering the survival of other species. At the moment mountains, rivers, forests and natural water bodies are falling prey to disproportionate human activity in the name of development which is causing dangerous imbalance in the eco-system. This needs be properly regulated forthwith for peaceful and purposeful co-existence. “Live on friendly terms with all. Work! Work! “