Arguments and justification put forth by Govt. for not holding much delayed after delay U & B election at this time have well been elaborated in the editorial in D.E. May 30. The editor has fully refuted the first two pretexts i.e. tourist season and the Amar Nath Ji Yatra being hurdles in holding elections at this juncture.
So far as security scenerio is concerned, tight security measures shall have to be adopted whensoever such elections are held.
Since the Deptt of U & B alongwith the concerned Minister have declared their having been fully prepare for holding such elections at anytime, the Govt on its part should also consider and rethink to fix tentative month when they can conveniently hold them as it is being thought the primary need for development of our infrastructure.
The public opinion as well as that of their leaders need to be given due weightage in a democratic set up rest indefiniteness should prove deterimental both for Govt as well as for voters.
Yours etc….
S.C. Gupta