Cyber crimes on rise

A cause of concern really that over 3.13 lakh cyber security related incidents took place in the country if the figures as at the end of October 2019 are to be believed. These incidents, nothing less than attacks, were in the form of website hacking and phishing nature . Cyber crimes and related consequential frauds pirating of information , phishing , net work scanning and probing , virus and malicious code and related crimes have shot up to this extent.
While giving this written information in the Parliament, the Minister of State for Electronics emphasised the need to hardening and protecting networks by the owners by deploying appropriate security controls and norms. Not only that, the threat to cyber attacks on Indian cyber space cannot be ruled out , in fact attempts must have been made which calls for getting the latest antidote of such a looming threat in order to rule out being targeted.
As against the increase in cyber crimes, the matching response has been in the form of registering only 27percent of such cases. Whether Information Technology Act 2000 has been rendered obsolete needing suitable amendments needed to be examined. Moreover, more professionalism inducted and high grade training is required to be imparted to the personnel handling Cyber Crimes. Preparing , maintaining and updating data related to such incidents should also be given priority.