Cross LoC trade resumes

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 29: Cross-LoC trade resumed today on Poonch-Rawlakote route after nearly three weeks suspension with six trucks arriving from across the Line of Control (LoC).
As many as six trucks from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) arrived at Chakan-Da-Bagh LoC Trade Facilitation Centre (TFC) in Poonch district but no trucks crossed to Rawlakote (PoK) from this side today, official sources said.
The incoming trucks carried goods including dry dates, onion and embroidery items worth Rs 31,93,377 for traders of this side, they said.
The cross-LoC trade at Chakan-Da-Bagh crossing point had been suspended since January 10 when the Pakistan Army had refused to open gates resulting in stranding of 25 PoK-bound trucks carrying goods mostly vegetables at Poonch.
The LoC bus service was resumed yesterday on Chakan-Da-Bagh crossing point after over fortnight long suspension.
The bus service and trade between two parts of the divided State had been suspended after the brutal killing of two Indian Army jawans by Pakistan Army personnel at Mankote in Krishna Ghati sector.
This was the second time that cross LoC travel and trade had come to a grinding halt in the past eight months. The Poonch-Rawlakote bus service was also suspended on June 11 last year and resumed on July 17 after Brigade commander level meeting between Pakistan and India armies.
LoC trade came to halt due to closure of gates of Chakan-Da-Bagh border point in Poonch on June 14 last year in view of the Indo-Pak tension resulting due to the intense and heavy LoC firing, shelling and ceasefire violations incidents since June 11 last year.
It was resumed on July 14 last year.


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