COVID–19 steals youth

Coronavirus causes premature aging even among patients who have had coronavirus in moderate and mild forms. Those who have had Covid-19 have age-related changes that are untypical for their years, the scientists from the School of Systems Biology of the American George Mason University found.

70% of people who were mildly ill had pathology of almost all internal organs. The heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and even the brain. The brain can get swollen, and a person goes into a coma and dies. Fatty hepatosis and fatty degeneration of the pancreatic tissue can also lead to a fatal outcome.

“Usually, these diseases are typical for people of 60 years old and over, and among the postcovid group they are observed already at 40”, — researchers say.

Also, doctors note that vaccination based on the chimpanzee adenovirus is a huge stress for the body, which also leads to a serious deterioration of internal organs. In other words, Covid-19 steals youth.

– It’s like a car. The more you use it, the less it will last you. If you like to drift, then get ready to change the tires. Alas, it is much more difficult for a person to change internal organs.

For more information on this, you can find the link of the petition here 

Author: Natasha Minito

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this article are the Author’s own views.