Closing of defunct schools

Every decision, right or wrong, is necessitated on the prevailing conditions and circumstances. Decades back opened schools with inaugural festivities, are now under closure due to appalling conditions. Every diseased limb of the body isn’t to be cut but needs treatment to  make it alright. Why these schools have reached to this extent, needs to be explored, ascertained and investigated. If the phenamenon of poor schooling and mismanagement continues without any reforms, many more schools which are somewhat running alright. Will also meet the same fate.
In this way, not only the infrastructure including school buildings will be made to ruin, even employment  opportunities already scant in the State, will cease forever. If opening and closing of such institutions begins with change of party flags, the economic backbone of the State willn’t remain unshaken. Education plays significant role in development and well-being of masses, and therefore, a stable and long lasting policy needs to be framed judiciously and implemented wisely and strenly to fructify the Mission of education everywhere. But needed most is educational reforms, so that the masses depending entirely on Govt schools, aren’t made to suffer by ever changing policies.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)