The write up “From seat of learning to cesspool of sedition” by Dr.(Prof.) K.N.Pandita {D.E. Sunday 6/3/16} was a masterpiece of news analysis and political theory. How well the history and development of leftist opportunism in the garb of democracy and liberalism against the background of Indian freedom struggle has been traced is read to be believed. Both aurgument and marshalling of facts in the write up are excellent and a treat for readers of your daily. During the 8th, 9th & 10th decades of the last century, as we celebrated the flowering of indigenous Indian literary traditions vis-à-vis post modernism in the arts, an underlying populism surged on the margins. To begin, it was endeavored to reinstate the theory of social determinism that was soon to lose sheen following the Soviet fiasco. Like many students of contemporary Indian literature, I too was always baffled to find many a naïve yet well meaning students and writer friends turning into party fellow travelers once they entered the portals of the JNU. For example, while in Kashmir, we could see that intellectuals were more open to reason than when they went to Delhi and hovered around niches in the Munirka hills.. Also, there was a spate of the so called ‘small (committed) journals’ circulating among closely knit fellows, all over, especially in the Hindi mainland. Practicable yet warped political thought looked adjusting with cotemporary realities and free thinking, but in fact populist literature kept the bells of outdated Marxist theory ringing. To achieve political goals a marriage of convenience between anti national fundamentalists and the so called liberalists became a feature of this policy.
It served the vested interests of both parties who did not digest the ‘home made renaissance’ in Indian literary traditions. The goings on in JNU were blatant examples of this unholy alliance, seen and felt by many but questioned by none. And it got exposed sooner than planned. Now it is clear that fundamentalism, progressivism leftism etc. are different slogans with the same underlying meaning. The lofty intent of change and progress the left ideology has been reduced to cheap opportunism. The concept can be interpreted and used by motivated users as they suit their hidden motives. Prof. KN Pandita has shown how the games of (mis) interpretation were played and hidden agenda for internal sabotage followed during the last forty to fifty years in our country. JNU is a prime symptom of the malaise. Motivated student groups and their teacher mentors seem to be following that agenda. The lid has come off the cesspool only partially yet. Perhaps a deeper investigation would lay the problem bare.
Yours etc…..