Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, Mar 14: The Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Leh today convened a meeting of Executive Concillers Dr. Sonam Wangchuk, Abbas Abadi, Gyurmet Dorjey, Deputy Commissioner, Leh Tsering Angchuk, district officer and representatives of All Changthang Pashmina Grower Society regarding development of Pashmina in Leh.
The CEC informed the meeting that Punjab Wool Combers United (PWC), Ludhiana was interested to join hands with the LAHDC, Leh for joint development and enhancement of cashmere output from Ladakh though a commercial joint venture and on Public Private Partnership (PPP) establishment with a comprehensive Social Welfare Programme for the Nomadic peoples.
He said that though their proposal is good for development of pashmina in Ladakh and will boost the economy of nomadic people in short time but LAHDC, Leh will join hands with the Punjab Wool Combers United (PWC), Ludhiana only if they will establish the plant at Leh itself.
It was decided in the meeting that if the PWCL will agree to establish the plant in Ladakh by ensuring the utmost benefit to the sheep and goat breeders of Ladakh and economic boost to the local people, the LAHDC will extend full support.