Border people, EWS, Paharis given reservation for first time: Balbir

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 22: Various sections of the society in Jammu & Kashmir has got reservation in recruitment and admissions in educational institutions for the first time under BJP rule, which has been taking pro-people initiatives, especially for those at the last end of welfare and development, a reflective of the PM’s promise of taking every one together, thus fulfilling the slogan of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas aur Sabka Vishwas”.
Jammu & Kashmir BJP, spokesperson, Balbir Ram Rattan, in a statement issued here today said that it has been for the first time that the people living in areas adjoining International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir have been granted reservation in direct recruitment, promotions and admissions in different professional courses at par with those living along Actual Line of Control (ALC).
Similarly, four percent reservation has been given to Pahari speaking people in direct recruitment and admissions in professional institutions.
Ten per cent reservation has been granted to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) from among the general category in Government jobs and educational institutions in Jammu and Kashmir.
All this indicates the concern of BJP all sections of the society and it’s aversion to the discriminatory politics practised by the earlier regimes led by NC and Congress. There was no justification in denying the benefit of reservation to people residing along the IB except that they belonged to a particular community.
The particular initiative of reservation for Economically Weaker Section among general category, overcoming the barriers of caste and creed, speaks volumes of the party’s concern for all sections of the society, said Balbir Rattan.