Book on 1947-48 Indo-Pak conflict released

Vice Chief of Army Staff releasing book on 1947-48 Indo-Pak conflict.
Vice Chief of Army Staff releasing book on 1947-48 Indo-Pak conflict.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Jan 28: A book titled, ‘Fighting Across the Passes: Recapture of Tithwal and Gurez 1947-48’, authored by Col Ajay K Raina, was released by Lt Gen SK Saini, Vice Chief of Army Staff at New Delhi today.
The book, fourth one in an ongoing series of five books on 1947-48 Conflict, covers the whole expanse of Kishenganga/Neelum Valley, starting from Gurez in the North to Tithwal and Leepa Valley to the South. Running into about 260 pages, the work is the first holistic work about the conflict in Kishanganga Valley.
It may be noted that Kishanganga Valley, actually not part of Kashmir Valley, saw some of the fiercest battles being fought, resulting in award of the nation’s highest gallantry award, Param Vir Chakra, to two of the bravest soldiers of Indian Army.