Bonyar, the corrupted version of Kalhana’s Bhima Vihara, in Baramulla district, is a tiny village standing close to the great gorge made by the two mountains in between which Jhelum gushes down almost furiously. A tiny bridge stood at this place that connected many habitats and localities on either bank of the river. Though the old bridge was not very strong yet small vehicles did pass over it. On 5th of September 2014, the gushing waters of Jhelum when it was in spate are reported to have caused major damage to this bridge. According to the local population, it has become unsafe for pedestrians. People have the compulsion to cross it even if crossing poses serious threat of the tiny bridge crumbling and people getting drowned. School children need to cross it to go to other side. Patients who are to be removed to the District hospital are required to cross the bridge.
It is nearly ten months that this bridge was damaged by the flood waters. Many district and higher level officers visited the place and promised to get the bridge repaired and made safe for the people to use but these promises have never been fulfilled. This is a dangerous situation and it can turn into a tragedy. R&B Department has the responsibility to waste no time in getting this bridge repaired. Last year’s flood has caused large scale damage and we know that most of these damages need to be repaired. But some damages have to be overcome keeping in mind the possible bigger tragedy that can happy if these remain neglected. Bonyar bridge is one of such priority tasks that must be fulfilled.