Sunny Arora
Blogging is made up of two words Web and Log. This means logs of data to be viewed on web. Blogging is the term for writing blogs. This blog is reviewed on the World Wide Web (WWW). Blogging is mostly seen as a journal over a particular topic where one can write his/her own views and experiences in the form of messages, posts, videos and links. There are many hyperlinks in a blog from where one can easily switch to another site. The blog can contain video links called v-log and many other. A blog is a post or idea of a writer that is uploaded online on WWW for the use of general public. Actually, blog depicts the idea or experience of a writer about the topic. Here the writer is a ‘Blogger’. A blog is an informational site for the users. Blogs can be the work of a single individual or a group of bloggers called ‘multi-author blogs’ (MAB’s). Many blogs also have a space for feedback where user can easily leave comments and messages for the blogger. The content of the blog can be positive as well as negative i.e. the data or reviews posted are real. The content that is updated would tell users about all the aspects of the subject and is unbiased.
Blogs also have searches related to it by having hyperlinks i.e. the user gets the complete reference of a subject by searching all the topics related to the subject. Blogs are meant for the users who want to extract information about a topic. The topic or place or anything that we search on a search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. gives us the information posted by various bloggers. The blogs then helps the users to get the right information. Today there are hundreds of millions bloggers existing worldwide. Most of the people have adopted blogging as their career. Persons can earn by the various ads that are broadcast over the blog. For earning money through blogging you need to produce valuable content for your blog i.e. unique and optimized content that can improve your writing skills as well as your relationships. When your blogs are mostly reviewed you may get many offers for various ads to be displayed on your blog. You are paid by the ads clicked on your blog as your commission. The blog can also help in earning money by writing inspirational views about your business so that users are attracted towards the various products of your business which helps to make your business more profitable.
Blogging can be of many types depending on the way the blog is written or depicted. There can be individual blog written by a single blogger or can be group blogs in which multiple bloggers can share their views by combining with each other. As a new blogger you can start individual blogging to depict your ideas or what’s in your mind, there are many blogs which have very small posts called as micro-blogging. The most popular are the media blogs in which the blogging can be done by means of various media such as video, images, audios etc. this blog presents a better GUI as visualization by means of images or videos is far better than earlier ways of reading. The media type blogs are mostly liked by the users due to good interface. Corporate and organization blogs are meant for the growth and advertisement of business in which you write about the various aspects of your business which helps you to earn more profit in your business.
Advantages of blogging:
1) For blogging, you don’t need to spent fixed hours as in office (9 -6) but you can blog anytime of the day. You are free to do anything at anytime without any boss over you.
2) For blogging, you need not to go to a particular place, rather you can blog from any remote or mobile device such as mobile phones etc.
3) You can earn income as desired by you.
4) You can start blogging at an early stage as your part time hobby. This would increase your writing skills.
5) You can start your own business as a full time blogger from a part time blogger.
6) While blogging, you are exposed to global world that increases your intellectual depth.
Concluding remarks:
Overall, we conclude that blogging is a part time cum full time job that anyone can pursue at any age of his/her life. Blogging has a very good future scope. For blogging, you need not to wander here and there as in search of job. You are free to blog at anytime of the day irrespective of fixed hours from any mobile device. You can easily earn income by blogging and exposed to global exposure too.
While blogging you not only earn but also improve your writing skills by writing reviews, journals that would help others in future for sorting their queries. Blogging is not only meant for writing skills but also you can form a good GUI based blog by adding pictures , videos which are mostly liked by the visitors. So I would suggest you all to try blogging today.