BJP can’t escape responsibility in Talib Hussain episode: Cong

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 6: Congress today hit back BJP for its failed attempt to escape from the responsibility in LeT Commander Talib Hussain Shah episode and demanded that NIA should also investigate and interrogate the BJP leaders in connection with the dreaded terrorist.
Reacting sharply to the BJP’s attempt to hide facts and divert attention to escape responsibility for appointing a dreaded militant in the ranks of the party, besides facilitating him to several important meetings with top leaders and functionaries in the Govt, especially the Home Minister, JKPCC said that BJP can’t take U-turn now and say that he was not associated with the party.
In a joint statement JKPCC working president Raman Bhalla, vice presidents  Mula Ram, Kanta Bhan, chief spokesperson Ravinder Sharma, general secretaries- Yogesh Sawhney,  Manmohan Singh, Treasurer Rajnish Sharma, secretary Pawan Raina, Sanjeev Panda, SC Deptt. Chairman Karan Bhagat, spokesperson Sahil Sharma, Seva Dal Chief Vijay Sharma and others questioned BJP for the vain attempt to hide behind security threat, when BJP leaders are themselves responsible for the facilitating such a dreaded terrorist to such important events, as BJP leader including meeting Home Minister of the Country, which is very serious. It is surprising for the nation that such a dreaded terrorist could meet the Home Minister and cause grave security breach in the security of the Home Minister.
They said that heads should roll and all those responsible in playing a dirty or irresponsible role should be booked under law. NIA and other agencies should investigate the sheer lapses in  the security of the Home Minister and all others by virtue of his position in the BJP. Separately, it should be also investigated that how such a terrorist escaped the eye of intelligences agencies for years together and became an active leader of BJP ranks and met top functionaries.
The leaders  said that J&K BJP leaders can’t escape the responsibility by their repeated attempts to divert and twist facts in the wake of series of evidences. They also sought screening of the ranks of BJP as to how many such elements have become members by the process of miss call enrollment of BJP especially in the militancy infested Jammu and Kashmir.