Flight Operations Resume At Srinagar International Airport After 4 Days

Photo- Excelsior/Shakeel

SRINAGAR: Flight operations resumed at Srinagar International Airport after four days with the first flight landing on Thursday morning, said Border Roads Organisation (BRO). Flight services were suspended due to heavy snowfall in Kashmir.
“The first flight landed at Srinagar International Airport today early in the morning after flight service remained suspended at the airport for four days due to heavy snowfall in Kashmir,” said BRO
Yesterday, BRO put men and machinery to work to clear the airport runway.
Officials had said that after 72 hours of snowfall in Kashmir the BRO pressed hi-tech equipment to clear the runway from the snow. Kashmir witnessed heavy snowfall since Monday which disrupted road traffic and forced the cancellation of flights at Srinagar International Airport.
As per India Meteorological Department (IMD), Rain and thundershowers were observed at a few places over Jammu & Kashmir on Wednesday.
The bad weather resulted in the suspension of both air and road traffic in various areas along Jammu and Kashmir, especially Srinagar. (AGENCY)