Agriculture Officers Welfare Forum meets Minister, Secy

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 17: A deputation of All Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture Officers Welfare Forum (AJKAOWF) led by its President Pradeep Sharma took up their issues with Minister for Agriculture Production Moham-mad Khalil Band.
On the occasion, the Forum’s Core Group listed some of the vexed issues being faced by different cadres of the department including the Assured Career Progression (ACP)/ Time Bound Promotions, amelioration of rank stagnation, reorganization, restructuring and above all conductance of DPC/settlement of seniority pending for more than three decades.
The delegation apprised the Minister regarding the granting of Assured Career Progression (ACP) to other technical cadres and has demanded the accordance of the same to the Agriculture Graduates (Gazetted Cadre) on the same analogy.
The delegation further highlighted the issue of rank stagnation amongst the different cadres in Agriculture Department and expressed its serious concern regarding the lack of complete seniority for the officers working in Class-VII to Class-I posts. The problem has been further compounded with multiple interpretations of the service rules by various interest groups which has adversely affected the working of the Agriculture Extension Agency in respect of its efficiency and cannot be compromised in view of the State as well as National Policy of Promoting the Agriculture Sector.
The Forum Members appealed to the Minister for Agriculture to issue necessary instructions for framing a complete seniority list and thereafter paving the way for conductance of DPC.
The Minister gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured to resolve all issues including extending of the benefits of ACP and framing of the seniority in a time bound manner.
The delegation comprised of its members including Arvind Baru, General Secretary, Jagdeep Singh Wazir, Convener, Virender Dogra, Publicity Secretary and other senior members.
Later, the deputation was also called on by Muhammad Mehraj-ud-Din Khan, Commis-sioner Secretary for Agriculture Production Department. Director Agriculture Jammu HK Razdan, Joint Director of SLUB Bulesh Zutshi, Joint Director of Agriculture Inputs KS Sambyal and Joint Director of Agriculture Extension, RL Bhagat were also present on the occasion.