This has reference to the ongoing violent protest of All India civil services aspirants against the introduction of Civil Services Aptitude Test and deletion of optional subjects of Hindi and regional languages in the preliminary examination. This was done on the recommendation of a high level committee of experts. At this point of time when the new NDA Government headed by Narendra Modi has just assumed charge of governance after getting elected to power on high promises to the millions of jobless youth in the country, the new political establishment is feeling the heat and finding itself at crossroads to wriggle out of the vexed situation via some safe and workable escape route. Beyond doubt all saner elements in the country do understand & agree that the standard of IAS / IFS / IPS exam must not be compromised and lowered under any kind of pressure. Simultaneously the decision making authorities also cannot afford to turn a deaf ear to issues raised by the agitating youth. They may be given reasonable hearing to explain their point of view for hammering out a mutually acceptable negotiated settlement
Positive intention and optimistic response to the stimulus is immediate need of the hour. Unarguably Hindi is our Rashtar bhasha and it is our constitutional and filial obligation to assiduously push it to the coveted status in the times to come, but all other languages spoken in different parts of the country are equally important.
Ours is a pluralistic society. As such all regional languages need be accommodated wherever required. We are determined to emerge as the strong global power, therefore significance of English as link language cannot be simply brushed off. In this twilight hour when systemic transformation is on the anvil we can ill afford to get embroiled in linguistic feuds. The budding I.A.S officers are young and jovial, well equipped to attempt the impossible. The Govt on their part is expected to be fair and judicious in promoting the Hindi language as provided in the constitution and must stay away from any kind of partisan politics to gain the confidence of youth in particular and the masses in general.
Yours etc…
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar