Administrative units a promising step

Our Chief Minister’s enthusiastic urge and active keenness for having the much talked of Administrative units of the State declared is, no doubt, a very good move for the equal and uniform development of the State at grass root level with due benefit to various regions and sections of the society, but the zeal, for the same should in no manner sink, or subside under any political or financial ifs and buts, but go ahead uninterrupted to make it a reality quite visible on the ground to have these units established and make functional at the proposed locations in the shortest possible time upto ending Nov, 2014 to remove all apprehension of the masses and also to give a rebuff to all such critics who define the above policy of the Govt. as an eye-wash or an election stunt to woo the voters for cashing votes to grab the magic chair or power.
No doubt, for establishing infra-structure a good span of time and huge finance is required, but the units can be established in available rented accommodations to go ahead with the work, as many of the offices of the Govt. even at present are functioning in rented accommodation throughout the State particularly in remote areas. If the Govt. has the will to have units established it can do it and must not shirk to make it a glaring reality before the ensuring State elections because today the idea haunts every mind whether the declaration of Administrative Units by the Govt., undoubtedly a welcome step, can become a reality with the said units being functional before the end of Nov 2014 to make one and all believe and feel that the coalition Govt. does not mean what it says and does say what it means and does do what it means and says, to defeat all comments of the critics and opponents to gain emasse good will of the masses to find all the criticism levelled against the Govt. dying its own death, with reality staring in the face of the people to guide them to exercise their franchise in the right direction.
But should the Govt. fail to translate the things practically into ground reality before the elections of the State under any ifs and buts, whatsoever, then  the people and the voters shall definitely be frustrated to jump to the conclusion that this has been really an eye-wash a distance dream, an ugly funfare with the masses under the vote bank policy to woo voters under political gimmicks and mesmerism who in turn may not hesitate to pay back in the same coin to show their dis-satisfaction, and go to display their strength at the election booths.
Even the declaration of the units has flared up an acute controversial resentment in vairous zones of the State who are agitating and on hunger strikes for having been neglected to be declared as administrative units despite all their qualification and merits for the same. The Govt must see to this as well to deliver justice to the cause.
Yours etc…
J R Aryan