Accession Day

Refer the article ‘Observe 22nd October as Black Day, 26th October as Accession Day’ DE Oct 21.
The suggestions made by the author are valuable and need to be taken into consideration  by the people of the State. Accession Day is a Red Letter Day in the annals of the State’s history. It is very dismaying to note that this Day has been ignored for petty political considerations. The  Government, and the people of all the three regions should celebrate it with great pomp and show.
The Day is a historic reality, and it can’t be negated on any count. The Accession agreement is a sacred document for the people of India,  and its sanctity can’t be violated in any manners and no one can question its existence. The author has rightly said that “Accession Day is a historic Day in the political life of J&K, and by all  means more important than any birth day.
Had this Day been given its due right from inception nobody would have used it for petty political interests. It is time the Day is celebrated as a State holiday.
Yours etc…
Deepak Kumar


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