Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 18: “Spending too much time indoors in air-conditioned rooms coupled with inadequate exposure to sunlight aggravate the risk of developing diabetes”.This was stated here today by renowned Diabetologist and National Professor of Diabetes, Dr Jitendra Singh while speaking at a Doctors CME update programme. The occasion was the launching of Jammu and Kashmir chapter of “Endocrine Society of India”(ESI).
The scientific session was chaired by Dr R P Kudyar and there were three faculty update lectures. While Dr Jitendra spoke on the topic “Diabetes and Vitamin D”, he was followed by Col (Dr) Narendra Kotwal from AFMC Pune who spoke on “Osteoporosis” and Dr Ashraf Ganai from SKIMS, Soura who spoke on “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome”.
Dr Jitendra referred to changing lifestyle, spending too much time indoors in air conditioned rooms, less of sun exposure, unhealthy dress code and less of calcium intake in diet as common causes of Vitamin D deficiency which has been recently implicated in contributing and aggravating diabetes. In case of Type 2 Diabetes, Vitamin D deficiency increases insulin resistance thus predisposing to high blood sugar levels while in Type 1 Diabetes Vitamin D deficiency acts by altering auto immunity, he said.
Dr Narendra Kotwal dwelt on increasing prevalence of Osteoporosis, bone degeneration, bone problems and bone pains due to Vitamin D deficiency and suggested measures as well as pharmacological remedies to overcome these. Dr Ashraf Ganai spoke on the current common problem of “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome”among young women. He said there is nothing to be dejected by it because there are modern day treatments available for it.
Specialist doctors, MD scholars and senior faculty from Government Medical College Jammu, ASCOMS and other private institutions attended the programme and participated in an interesting question-answer session at the end of three faculty lectures.
Dr Krishan Lal Gupta, veteran medical practitioner and Retd Director Health, Dr Mohan Lal Cardiologist, Dr Rakesh Kakkar, Dr Virendar Dhar, Dr Vipin Gupta and Dr Pandita were among those who participated in discussion.