About 1700 pilgrims leave for Amarnath cave shrine, 1.20 lakh pay obeisance so far

SRINAGAR :  A fresh batch of about 1700 pilgrims, including women and sadhus, today left Baltal and Nunwan Pahalgam base camps for holy Amarnath cave shrine in south Kashmir, where so far over 1.20 lakh yatris had darshan of the self made Ice-Shivlingam since the commencement of the 48-day-long pilgrimage from July 2.
This was the lowest number of pilgrims undertaking the yatra in a single day since the yatra started.
The yatra is going on smoothly and those who had arrived here yesterday by air or by road Left for the holy cave, situated at about 13000 feet above sea level in south Kashmir Himalayas this morning.          Weather is cloudy and there was also chances of rain, a yatra official said.
He said about 1100 pilgrims, including women, children and sadhus left Baltal base camp for the holy cave. The pilgrims are likely to reach the cave shrine in the afternoon after covering the 13 km long hilly terrain on foot though some prefer horses or palkhies.
Similarly about 6000 yatris, including women and sadhus, left Nunwan Pahalgam base camp for Chandanwari, the  last motorable halting station on traditional route.
Meanwhile, pilgrims, who had night halt at different halting stations on the traditional track, also started their onward journey towards the shrine early this morning.
An official spokesman said that 15684 Yatris paid obeisance at the Holy Cave yesterday.
Majority pilgrims have returned to their homes after the darshan. (agencies)


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