700 rural students appear in test for HBET assistance

Excelsior Correspondent

Students appearing in HBET test on Sunday.
Students appearing in HBET test on Sunday.

JAMMU, Feb 9: Harbans Bhalla Educational Trust conducted selection and evaluation test of over 700 rural children from classes 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
HBET is supporting the education of over 400 children in rural areas particularly girls. All round help is provided in shape of scholarships, medical support, counseling and mentorship.
Dr Chand Trehan, Capacity Building Officer at University of Jammu was the chief guest on the occasion.
She told the mentors about the benefits of education and advised them to make full use of scholarship and support of the Trust.
Dr Trehan delivered a lecture on “Life Skills” to over 50 mentors who provide tuition support to the children of HBET. He told the mentors about the benefits of education and advised them to make full use of scholarship and support of the Trust.
She praised the noble efforts of the Trust in not only helping the cause of education but also helping society at large to empower women.
The Trust supports education of needy girl children from weaker economic families with renewed passion to remove ignorance and darkness from their lives by providing the light of education.
The tests were conducted for selection of new students for the next academic year.