Zulfkar orders sealing of mill in Leh

Excelsior Correspondent

CAPD Minister Ch Zulfkar during visit to a mill.
CAPD Minister Ch Zulfkar during visit to a mill.

LEH, July 27: Minister for Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution & Tribal Affairs Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali today inspected Rajat flour Mill, FCI Store, LPG Bottling Plant, Indian Oil Corporation Depot  and CAPD general store at Leh  and took a detail stock position, stock capacity and functioning of these units.
At Rajat Flour Mill, the Minister checked the quality of wheat and weights with filled and empty sacks and on spot made a moisture test of flour in the laboratory. Having not satisfied with the test, the Minister directed Director CAPD Kashmir Abdul Rashid War to seal the Mill for next 15 days saying that a special expert team from Srinagar will be sent to make a detailed test and checking of the mill.
The Minister while inspecting the FCI Store Phyang was told that the total capacity of FCI stores in Leh is 1.50 Metric Ton and total yearly requirement of rice is 90,000 quintals and wheat is 80,000 quintals for the district and the present stock position of rice is 9110.240 quintals and the wheat is 6965.675 quintals.
In view of the implementation of 2011 census shortly in the State, the Minister directed FCI authorities to enhance their stocking capacity well before time.
While inspecting the LPG Bottling Plant which has a total capacity of 3000 Metric Ton, the minster took a full round of the plant and checked the safety measures of the plant by conducting a mock drill and suggested the manger of the plant to introduce latest technology for safety measures.
Discussing about the capacity enhancement of the plant and distribution of LPG cylinders especially home delivery system, the Minister directed Assistant Director CA&PD, Leh to ensure systematic home delivery system in the district. He also directed the Manager of the plant to use plastic sealing instead of aluminium on the cylinder cap.
The Minister also inspected the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd depot and took a detail stock position of diesel, petrol and K.Oil. Later, the Minster inspected the general store of CAPD and directed the Director CA&PD to make the zero balance of the stores. He also directed him for early rationalization of the distribution system.