YNC condemns mistreatment of NHM employees

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 10: Youth National Conference (YNC) today lashed out at the PDP- BJP Government for using police force to quell the protests of NHM employees and expressed solidarity with those protesting employees who had sustained injuries in such police action.
Youth National Conference Provincial President for Kashmir, Salman Ali Sagar said the protesting NHM employees have served the State with commitment and sincerity in the most trying circumstances and deserve all respect and a patient dialogue about their demands.
“This is no way to treat respected professionals of the State who have rendered great service in achieving various goals set on the public health front. Rather than talking to them and trying to find out ways and means to resolve their grievances, the PDP-BJP Government – in its usual avatar – has waged a war against them – which is extremely unfortunate”, Salman Ali Sagar said in a statement issued from Party Headquarters in Srinagar.
The YNC Provincial President asked the State Government to look at how similar issues were resolved to the satisfaction of NHM employees in other States and emulate those models to resolve the issue in the State. “If the NHM employees are being asked to be treated at par with their counterparts in other States – the State Government should pay heed to their demands and study those resolutions to effectively emulate them as per available means and resources”, the YNC Provincial President said.


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