Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 19: One day divisional level orientation workshop for strengthening educational and clinical standards of pre-service education for Nursing and Midwifery cadre in J&K was organized today by J&K Nursing Council in collaboration with National Health Mission J&K through JHPIEGO (John Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynaecology & Obstetrics)
The workshop was chaired by Principal Government Medical College Jammu, Dr Ghansham Dev Gupta and attended by Dr A S Bhatia, HoD Deptt of Biochemistry GMC Jammu & Controller of Examination J&K Paramedical Council, Dr Gurjeet Singh Dy Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Arvind Raina, Asstt Director Health Services, Dr Sanjay Turki District Health Officer Jammu, Dr Deepak Kapoor Epidemiologist. Dr Harjeet Rai Divisional Nodal officer National Health Mission J&K, Dr Arun Sharma Programme Manager National Health Mission J&K, Dr BB Sharma, Dr Ajay Khajuria and others.
Principals of all private and Government Nursing Schools participated in the workshop.
Dr Rahul & MS Edith Michael from JHPIEGO were the main resource persons.
Dr Harjeet Rai welcomed the guest speakers while Dr Arun Sharma presented formal vote of thanks.
Pertinent to mention that State of J&K has submitted a proposal in SPIP 2014-15 to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI regarding strengthening and up gradation of the quality of Nursing infrastructure and training at AMT schools of Medical Colleges of Jammu/ Srinagar to further reduce IMR, MMR & TFR. These upgraded institutes will function as Divisional Nodal Centres for trainings as well as supportive supervision to district training centres of the districts.
The workshops would help in strengthening and up gradation of the quality of Nursing infrastructure and training at AMT schools to further reduce IMR, MMR & TFR.