SRINAGAR : A 95-year-old was among the women who outnumbered men at some polling stations in Srinagar Parliamentary constituency during the first two hours. Zoona, (95) assisted by her family members was among the first who came to cast their ballots at polling station set up at Lattar Masjid in the down town city. I have not wasted a single vote since I became eligible, she said in a very weak voice after casting her vote, which she said was her right.
Till 0930 hrs, 35 votes had been polled in that polling station.
However, hardly any vote was polled at Safa Kadal, Bulbul Lanker and Kantparistan during the first two and half hours. At a polling station number 131 set up in Amira Kadal girls higher secondary school, out of 915 total votes, 109 had exercised their franchise till 0900 hrs. However, out of those who cast their votes, 57 were women, a poll official said adding 52 were male voters.
In nearby polling station number 132 out of 521 votes, 13 women and 15 men had cast their votes. At Natipora polling station number 46-B in the uptown 13 women and 10 men voters had cast their votes out of 617 total votes till 0900 hrs.
In nearby polling stations of 53-C and 45-A, out of 1371 votes, 58 male and 31 women had cast their votes during the first two hours.
At Hazratbal a polling station number 94 set up at Banday-Lane, out of 512 votes, only seven–two women and 5 men– had cast their votes. However, in contrast 120 votes had been polled in booth number 96 out of 1109 total votes during the first two hours. Out of voters who cast their ballots included 35 women.
Women voters are all places said they wanted to exercise their franchise early before doing our normal work at their homes.