Woes of transformer repairing

Transformers are an essential component of power distribution system. It is so because the voltage is low and it has to be boosted.  However, there are some connected issues. First is about the material and the workmanship going into the making of the transformer. If poor material like wiring etc. is used, obviously its life will be shorter than expected. Moreover if workmanship is of substandard level, it will also have its impact. Secondly, the number of transformers that are put to work is also to be taken into account.
Our power distribution system entirely depends on the transformers which are installed to cater to specific areas with specific number of consumers. What is important is the total load which a transformer is supposed to carry by way of output. Overloading can result either in shut down or in damage to the transformer. The overloading is the main problem with our power supply system. Most of our transformers get damaged because of overloading of power.
The point to be mentioned here is that the transformer repairing unit in Pulwama in the Valley has limited capacity of repairing the damaged transformers. It is essentially in regard to manpower which has to be skilled one. The number of defunct electric transformers in the Valley this year is to the tune of 340 which is large than what was their number last year.  Total capacity of PDD operated workshops for repairing the damaged transformers is 12 to 20 transformers per week while the number of freshly damaged transformers brought for repair per week is 40 to 60. Obviously there is a big gap between the two which cannot be covered unless there is sufficient skilled manpower available. The result is much delay in repairing and re-function the transformers in time. The position becomes critical during winter when people have to go without electricity for days and weeks together. But the ground situation is that PDD has not been able to increase the number of workers and labourers. Instead what it has done is to outsource the repairing job to some private entities that are contracted to work in collaboration with the PDD workshops. This was not a bad solution and several private mechanical units undertook the job of repairing the transformers on priority. However, notwithstanding this apparently viable alternative, other difficulty cropped up and almost made the entire effort futile. Private units that have been rendering service for quite some time suddenly decided to stop the work for the reason that their huge payments were in arrears and they could not continue to work with their bills frozen. These run in crores. The PDD has not been making timely payments to the private workshops some of whom have been waiting for nearly three years. Why the payment is not made is the question. If the PDD engaged them then it must have also taken into account the cost of doing so and provision of the same in the budget. It makes no sense to argue that there is shortage of funds and hence payment to private units has been deferred. This is a very lame excuse. Payments cannot be kept pending for three long years to private entrepreneurs. The Government has clear policy of boosting small scale industries and the engagement and disbursement of bill is covered by that scheme. Evidently, there is something more than what meets the eye when we go deep into the nitty-gritty of the scheme. Whatever it is, those who have to bear the brunt are the ordinarily citizens who pay tariff for supply of power to them. Depriving them of power is almost cheating them, something that is not acceptable in any case.