Woes of Sewna Block

More than 30 thousand people inhabiting nearly a dozen small and big villages and habitats in District Udhampur are faced by threat to their lives day in and day out. These villages fall in Sewna Block, which was newly created some years back but never provided with even the barest of infrastructure, especially the wooden bridge over Tawi River which they have to cross to reach the link road to Udhampur. In the absence of the wooden bridge, the students are the most vulnerable to threat to life because they cross the river twice a day, each time with no surety that they are not washed away by the swift drifts of water. We have reports that many school going children were drowned in the river while crossing it to reach their school.  A number of women in a state of delivery could not be carried to the hospital and some of them died for want of medical aid. The parents pray for safe return of their kids from school as they have to go across the river twice a day by wading through the deep water. In view of lack of connectivity in these villages, more than a hundred families have shifted to Udhampur or Jammu as they did not want their kids to go into the death trap twice a day.
This is a grave situation and we make strong plea to the PWD and the Deputy Commissioner of Udhampur to come to the rescue of these unfortunate people. Construction of a wooden bridge is the urgent need of the Block. It is inhuman to see school going kids meeting with threat to life twice a day.


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