Withdraw FIRs against CRPF jawans: Harsh to HM

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 7: While accusing the State Government of pursuing the policy of appeasement of separatists and other anti national forces in J&K, Harsh Dev Singh, JK National Panthers Party chairman today appealed the visiting Union Home Minister (HM) to order the withdrawal of cases registered against the CRPF personnel in Nowhatta episode.
Rather than booking the stone-pelters, who attacked the para-military jawans and hounded their gypsy, for attempt to murder and sedition, the State Government most contemptuously chose to register a case against the brave hearts who, he said, had taken the wisest course available under the prevailing circumstances.
Drawing the attention of the Home Minister towards the most cowardly act of hundreds of stone-pelters in cornering a solitary gypsy of CRPF and attacking it left and right with lathis and stones with pernicious designs as could be gauged from the social media videos which had gone viral, Singh regretted that the State Government’s action amounted to punishing the victims and absolving the criminals.
Seeking the indulgence of the visiting HM, Singh said that the CRPF jawans could not be booked under criminal law for having acted in the line of duty. He said that the repeatedly played video on social media as well as electronic media shows that the distressed driver of gypsy was labouring hard to wriggle out of the highly disturbed situation and he could not have been blamed for having run over some desperate fellow forming part of a rowdy hostile mob.
The FIR ought to have been registered against the saboteurs which the State Government did not appreciate and contrarily booked the jawans which had caused a demoralizing effect upon the security forces working under unimaginably tough and hostile conditions, rued Harsh.
Urging upon the Home Minister to give adequate space to brave hearts to deal with such ubiquitous challenges, Singh said that no one can work without an assurance that his bonafide actions will not draw punitive retribution from the State.