Wild Flowers Our Unsung Lovers

Dr Jasbir Singh Sarna
Before we talk about the wild flowers, let’s take a look at the background of wild flowers. The societies of medieval Greece and Rome were surrounded by strange concepts, especially on lands and deserts to which they had not yet set foot.
They endeavored to engage diligently in researching the people, animals, birds, and flowers of those lands. Although vegetation has been misused by man for bread and clothing for some reason, there is still no shortage of natural resources. Although wildflowers are rapidly disappearing today, preserving them is not only important for future generations but also the responsibility of all of us. Flowers, animals, birds etc. are also considered a part of our folklore. Future generations will not even know the names of many flowers if we do not ensure their safety.
But ‘wild flower’ is ambiguous and belongs only to the tribe Angiosperm. Symbolically, angiosperms are trees that store seeds in an envelope-like area. Of the world’s wildflowers, only a handful of flowers can be grown in flower gardens. Only through flowers can we observe the family relationships of other flowers.
Plants are known by names so that they can distinguish themselves from each other and their integration can easily reach the human being. According to W.T. Strait there are about 3,000 different languages in the world, and if a plant / flower is named in each language, it is natural to get confused. If we look at the background of plants, it would be fair to say that plants were first known only because of medicines and not because of botanical interest. The Latin names of Kashmir’s wild flowers, birds and animals were commonly used to refer to plants but still a number of vernacular names were used for one plant and that too in one language. For example there are 112 names for spice Arum maculatum.
By definition, the species of a group of plants, which are actually related to each other, but have different nature (unique qualities) in relation to each other, is called a specie. Generations that have the same unique traits are called genera. For example, the botanical name of the Daisy flower is Belize Perinance, Belize is its genus name that applies to every plant that belongs to the Belize genus and Perinus belongs only to the genus Belize genus. Comes down Genera gather in a large group and take the form of a family. Classification is the process of keeping species in genera and genera in families.
The concept of wild flowers, as a subject and its background, it is safe to say that they must have come into existence at the time of human growth . Because the first interest of the primitive man can only be called economic or aesthetic. Archeological research shows that the cultivation of food and medicinal plants is prehistoric. Ornamental plants have been introduced as a natural choice for religious and sacrificial days.
With the passage of time, the cultivated plants became estranged from the wild relatives and the new sowing environment gave birth to new plants. Thus the distinction between sowing and wild flowers became clear. Recent research by botanists has also revealed that wild flowers have a natural structure with interbreeding. Wild flowers grow about 100 feet above the ground and 20 feet below the ground.The first to know about the wild flowers of Kashmir were the English scholars. Coventry and Blatter’s name is notable. He was followed by a number of botanists. In this short write up , I will mention some of the wild flowers that have become a part of our folklore and have international popularity. The author already published books on these flowers from forests and remote backward areas of Hamal,Rafiabad more than two decades ago.
One scholar has said, ‘Oh, the one with the flowers. Lord of Flowers ,The endless flowers of your beauty are seen smiling everywhere, I try to put them in my shirt but my pockets are really small. ” The genealogy of the flowers grown in the lap of Mother Earth is also remarkable. Some scholars, especially in India, believe that flowers originated from the earth. They also believe that Brahma was originally born from a lotus flower.The lotus flower is also called the lord of flowers. The Gods and goddesses are depicted in various paintings adorning flowers with their hands. It is also said that the life particles of the ‘lotus’ were the only ones who saved the truth from hanging and were ashamed of consciousness. It was its petals that brought forth the concept of Seven Skies and Seven Earths. But the concept that Guru Nanak put in front of the world ‘Patalan Patal Lakh Agasan Agas'(There are Lakhs of Skies and Earths) and this concept is proving to be a guide for the scientists of the world in present scenario.
Man’s love for flowers has been around since time immemorial. When man was still living in the wilderness, he first fell in love with wild flowers. When he thought of coming to the settlements, he brought with him many flowers. Thus the flowers began a long journey. Gardens, pots, papers, cloths, walls, sheets, handkerchiefs, table clothes etc., are also easily accessible through painting. There is no denying the fact that without flowers man feels rough. From wedding beds to graveyards and from the drawing rooms of houses to the doorsteps of temples, the story of flowers can be seen.