On Saturday, the lead stars and producer Vashu Bhagnani of upcoming Bollywood movie “Welcome 2 Karachi” launched its promotional campaign from the sprawling lawns of the Government Guest House, Hari Niwas Srinagar overlooking the famous Dal Lake. ‘ Welcome 2 Karachi’ is scheduled to be released on May 28,2015.
What a paradox! The film’s promotional campaign launched at a place ( Kashmir) where the people are forbidden to see films as the militants and their mentors across the border had forcibly shut down all cinema theaters in 1990 and these continued to be so even after 25 years. Seeing cinema was made taboo for Kashmiris.
The team had come to the Valley on the persuasion of the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed who recently visited Mumbai to invite Bollywood to come to Kashmir for making films and once again make the mesmerizing beautiful locations of Kashmir popular all over the country. So far so good. But why doesn’t the Chief Minister also address the pending issue of opening cinema halls in Kashmir which is also linked with tourism and normalcy. All other things including sale of liquor, bars in club and restaurants, beauty parlors banned along with cinema halls by militants have come back. Why not cinema theaters?
Yours etc….
K B Jandial